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Ultra Lean™ is the first effective weight loss supplement to feature ingredients that also lift mood and mental clarity levels.

Weight loss can affect energy, mood, and clarity, but not with Ultra Lean™ on your team

Ultra Lean™ is the first effective weight loss supplement to feature ingredients that also lift mood and mental clarity levels.

Weight loss can affect energy, mood, and clarity, but not with Ultra Lean™ on your team

Experience Ultra Lean™ For Yourself And Buy Now

With everything already holding you back – what do you have to lose? We’ve made Ultra Lean™ affordable at just $0.97 per daily serving… And with our 1-Year Money Back Guarantee you either get the results stated – or you don’t pay!

Note: Best results come from long-term (90+ days) continual use.

Ultra Lean™ 30 Day
1 Bottle


Shipping from: $6.97

60 Capsules

Retail: $39.00
You Save: NA
Now: $39.00

$39.00 per bottle
($1.30 Per Daily Serving)

Most Popular
+ Best For Long Term Results

Ultra Lean™ 3 Months
3 Bottles

20% Discount
Shipping from $6.97

180 Capsules

Retail: $117.00
You Save: $23.00
Now: $94.00

$31.33 per bottle
($1.04 Per Daily Serving)

Ultra Lean™ 6 Months
6 Bottles

25% Discount

360 Capsules

Retail: $234.00
You Save: $58.50
Now: $175.50

$29.25 per bottle
($0.97 Per Daily Serving)

Ultra Lean™ Is An All-Natural Appetite Suppressant And Fat Burner

A big problem when losing weight is often feeling hungry, stressed, and short tempered, and so we quit.

Ultra Lean™ is the first in class to address this by pairing Mother Nature’s most potent and effective fat burners with ingredients proven to support energy levels, mood, and appetite. When dieting – Ultra Lean™ is on your team

Is Ultra Lean™ Right For You?

Those Looking To Lose Weight Fast And Keep It Off For Good

If you’ve tried a weight loss supplement in the past, you may have noticed an initial reduction in body weight – but long-term you are often set up to fail…

While other supplements may contain fat burning ingredients, they don’t have ingredients to regulate appetite and those strong cravings that take all our willpower.

Ultra Lean™ does, with ingredients selected for their ability to regulate the hormones responsible for triggering hunger and cravings.

Without the temptations, you can lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Those Looking For A Daily Lift To Stay Calm, Focused, And Happy

Life can be pretty hectic for most of us, and if you’re reading this right now there is a good chance you find yourself with your ‘foot on the gas’ more often than is healthy.

A busy schedule, running the family, a thankless job – these can all trickle through to not getting enough active time, eating convenience foods, and not staying hydrated.

Well let Ultra Lean™ be your cheat code. With dopaminergics to support Serotonin production (the ‘feel good’ hormone) and Cortisol regulators to tackle stress, Ultra Lean™ will get to work burning fat – while you get to work loving your day.

Those Understanding ‘Life Begins At 40’ – But Need A Helping Hand

With lower testosterone or estrogen, it’s common to find losing weight, putting on muscle, or simply toning up isn’t as easy as it once was.

If you find moving and being active a chore, that no matter how much you diet – you still can’t lose the belly fat, or that losing weight is stressful and ‘not worth the effort,’ then lean on Ultra Lean™ as your new personal coach!

Whether you feel like it or not, Ultra Lean™ will always be working in the background for you, supporting you with the nutrients required by your body to operate on all cylinders – whatever your age.

Start Your Weight Loss Journey Today… It’s Easy Staying On It With Ultra Lean™

The weight loss industry is one where a lot of studies have been done on the ingredients that show signs of being a credible fat cell burner.

And with the studies in and the evidence stacking up, Garcinia Cambogia, Raspberry Ketones, and the other ingredients that make up the Ultra Lean™ formula deliver the results for you. You can be assured this time you’ll achieve your weight loss goals – and maintain them.

Fat Cell Defense + Weight Loss

Accelerated Metabolism

Appetite Suppressant

Mental Clarity

Skin Elasticity And Health

Mood And Stress

The 3-Pronged Approach To Lasting Fat Loss

To spark the metabolism and keep it fired up for prolonged weight loss – there is no one solution.

We at Youthogenix™ understand this and so we took a 3-pronged approach to ensure when Ultra Lean™ takes the weight off you – it keeps it off for longer lasting results.

1. Ultra Lean Burns Fat Fast Leaving You Lean And Toned

One of the powerhouse fat burning ingredients in Ultra Lean™ is Garcinia Cambogia. This fruit contains the active ingredient Hydroxycitric Acid, which blocks production of the Citrate Lyase enzyme responsible for body fat production.

Hydroxycitric Acid has also shown in scientific studies to stimulate the activity of enzymes tasked with fat oxidation to increase fat burning and metabolic efficiency.

This increase of fat being distributed into the blood stream has been noted to produce mental and physical energy as a result.

2. Ultra Lean Stops The Cravings And Urges

Ultra Lean™ makes maintaining your weight loss easy by increasing Serotonin production. This in turn can lower the desire to partake in stress-related eating or binging.

Ultra Lean™ contains Raspberry ketones which stimulate the breakdown of fat within fat cells. This process is called Lipolysis. This process increases the rate at which fat is broken down and passed into the blood stream which not only provides a source of energy, but also increases the feeling of satiation to stop the cravings.

Garcinia Cambogia stabilizes blood sugar levels to prevent energy level drops and the cravings for high sugar foods.

3. Our 3 Caffeine Blend Supports Focus, Clarity, And Mood

Caffeine has a number of benefits including raising Serotonin and Dopamine (brain chemicals) levels to positively influence mood and the ability to handle stress.

This lift in Dopamine production has shown in studies to improve attention span and focus and sharpen mental clarity. The Ultra Lean™ Caffeine blend features the following Caffeine sources:

  • Green Coffee Bean (Coffea robusta) – 130 mg
  • Caffeine Anhydrous (98%) – 130 mg
  • Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis) – 130 mg

The 3-Pronged Approach To Lasting Fat Loss

To spark the metabolism and keep it fired up for prolonged weight loss – there is no one solution.

We at Youthogenix™ understand this and so took a 3-pronged approach to ensure when Ultra Lean™ takes the weight off you – it keeps it off for longer lasting results.

  1. Ultra Lean Burns Fat Fast Leaving You Lean And Toned

One of the powerhouse fat burning ingredients in Ultra Lean™ is Garcinia Cambogia. This fruit contains the active ingredient Hydroxycitric Acid, which blocks production of the Citrate Lyase enzyme responsible for body fat production.

Hydroxycitric Acid has also shown in scientific studies to stimulate the activity of enzymes tasked with fat oxidation to increase fat burning and metabolic efficiency.

This increase of fat being distributed into the blood stream has been noted to produce mental and physical energy as a result.

  1. Ultra Lean Stops The Cravings And Urges

Ultra Lean™ makes maintaining your weight loss easy by increasing Serotonin production. This in turn can lower the desire to partake in stress-related eating or binging.

Ultra Lean™ contains Raspberry ketones which stimulate the breakdown of fat within fat cells. This process is called Lipolysis. This process increases the rate at which fat is broken down and passed into the blood stream which not only provides a source of energy, but also increases the feeling of satiation to stop the cravings.

Garcinia Cambogia stabilises blood sugar levels to prevent energy level drops and the cravings for high sugar foods.

  1. Our 3 Caffeine Blend Supports Focus, Clarity, And Mood

Caffeine has a number of benefits including raising Serotonin and Dopamine (brain chemicals) levels to positively influence mood and the ability to handle stress.

This lift in Dopamine production has shown in studies to improve attention span and focus and sharpen mental clarity. The Ultra Lean™ Caffeine blend features the following Caffeine sources:

  • Green Coffee Bean (Coffea robusta) – 130 mg
  • Caffeine Anhydrous (98%) – 130 mg
  • Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis) – 130 mg

Experience Ultra Lean™ For Yourself And Buy Now

With everything already holding you back – what do you have to lose? We’ve made Ultra Lean™ affordable at just $0.97 per daily serving… And with our 1-Year Money Back Guarantee you either get the results stated – or you don’t pay!

Note: Best results come from long-term (90+ days) continual use.

Ultra Lean™ 30 Day
1 Bottle


Shipping from: $6.97

60 Capsules

Retail: $39.00
You Save: NA
Now: $39.00

$39.00 per bottle
($1.30 Per Daily Serving)

Most Popular
+ Best For Long Term Results

Ultra Lean™ 3 Months
3 Bottles

20% Discount
Shipping from $6.97

180 Capsules

Retail: $117.00
You Save: $23.00
Now: $94.00

$31.33 per bottle
($1.04 Per Daily Serving)

Ultra Lean™ 6 Months
6 Bottles

25% Discount

360 Capsules

Retail: $234.00
You Save: $58.50
Now: $175.50

$29.25 per bottle
($0.97 Per Daily Serving)

1-Year Money Back Guarantee

When you purchase Ultra Lean today, you can expect to lose weight whilst feeling upbeat, cognitively sharp, and most importantly – not hungry. And if not our 1-Year Money Back Guarantee means you don’t pay!

  • Enjoy rapid free shipping (3+ bottles)
  • Results from just $0.97 per day
  • 1-Year Money Back Guarantee on your purchase today

We Know Behind Every Order Number Is A Real Person

At Youthogenix™ we understand that behind every order is a real person looking to invest in their health. Our formulas have changed lives, and we often receive kind words and email updates from our many clients.

In the first month I couldn’t believe how fast it was working!! One capsule a day is enough for me and I’ve been on a high ever since I bought ultra lean.

I’ve tried loads of weight loss supplements but not like this. “

Sharma L. – Rhode Island

I showed my doctor this and he said something about my dopamine levels being raised by Ultra Lean. This was his reasoning for my shift to a more positive mindset. I’m not sure which ingredient it is (Garcinia?) but I’m losing weight, feeling so good about myself again, and can’t stop smiling ”

Ali Joseph – Maine

Here’s my testimony. I first saw Ultra Lean on a supplement review site that said it was by far one of the most effective fat burners on the market but also made you feel good whilst dieting. Well all the above is true! It really has been my best purchase this year and I highly recommend it. ”

Dr. S. Rowe – Delaware

“In the first month I couldn’t believe how fast it was working!! One capsule a day is enough for me and I’ve been on a high ever since I bought ultra lean.

I’ve tried loads of weight loss supplements but not like this. “


Sharma L. – Rhode Island

“I showed my doctor this and he said something about my dopamine levels being raised by Ultra Lean. This was his reasoning for my shift to a more positive mindset. I’m not sure which ingredient it is (Garcinia?) but I’m losing weight, feeling so good about myself again, and can’t stop smiling ”

Ali Joseph – Maine

Here’s my testimony. I first saw Ultra Lean on a supplement review site that said it was by far one of the most effective fat burners on the market but also made you feel good whilst dieting. Well all the above is true! It really has been my best purchase this year and I highly recommend it. ”

Dr. S. Rowe – Delaware

1-Year Money Back Guarantee

When you purchase Ultra Lean today, you can expect to lose weight whilst feeling upbeat, cognitively sharp, and most importantly – not hungry. And if not our 1-Year Money Back Guarantee means you don’t pay!

  • Enjoy rapid, free shipping (3+ bottles)
  • Results from just $0.98 per day
  • 1-Year Money Back Guarantee on your purchase today

How To Take Ultra Lean™

As a dietary supplement take one (1) capsule twice a day as per the following regimen:

AM: Take one (1) capsule with an 8oz. glass of water 30 minutes after breakfast.

PM: Take one (1) capsule with an 8.oz glass of water 30 minutes after lunch.

Note: Best results come with 90 days + supplementation

How To Take Ultra Lean™

For Long Term Joint Support:

Take three (3) capsules daily before a meal.

For Immediate Relief:

For quicker relief, take a loading dose of six capsules daily for the first 14 days, before returning to three capsules daily.

You can swallow the easy-swallow capsules or empty the contents into a glass of water and drink the mixture.

What To Expect From Ultra Lean™

Day 1. Improved Energy Levels And Clarity

The Caffeine produces a natural energy high while the Green Tea eliminates the ‘crash’

Week 1. Less Body Weight

Within a few days your metabolism should be utilizing Ultra Lean to burn body fat faster

Month 1. Slimmer, Rested, Healthier

Green Tea encourages deeper sleep plus antioxidant support leads to better cell health

6 Months + Your Health 100% Optimized

Make Ultra Lean your daily weight management supplement to keep fat away

Day 1. Improved Energy Levels And Clarity

From your very first day with Ultra Lean™ you won’t remember feeling this good. The Green Tea, Caffeine Anhydrous, and Green Coffee Bean optimize the Dopamine system to produce more of this ‘feel good’ neurotransmitter.

With an improved mood and on tap energy, you should see improvements to your focus and concentration levels. By supporting adequate Dopamine production, the brain no longer seeks ‘external distractions’ to entertain it.

The L-Theanine in the Green Tea smooths out the Caffeine for crash-free ‘relaxed alertness’.

Week 1. Less Body Weight

Within just 7 days, most people’s scales report a reduction in body weight. For the past week the Chlorogenic Acid in the Green Coffee beans has been regulating blood sugar levels to keep them more stable and increase fat metabolism – the rate at which the body burns fat for energy.

Chlorogenic Acid in studies influenced the secretion of hormones involved in hunger regulation, such as Leptin. Leptin is involved in signaling satiety and, by increasing its production, we can send signals to the brain that the stomach is full and satisfied – no matter how little we’ve eaten.

You’ll be amazed how fast the fat falls off – and without the suffering associated with weight loss.

Month 1. Slimmer, Rested, Healthier

One month in and you can expect to be sleeping better, moving easier, experiencing less bloating and acid reflux, and all because you took that first step and decided to put your health first. Depending upon your starting size, you may by now start to see muscle, or muscle definition. And with less weight to carry – perhaps be experiencing a little less mobility pain such as joint pain.

With continual daily supplementation of Ultra Lean™ you can rely on the formula to continue assisting your weight loss goals. By suppressing appetite and cravings, inhibiting fat cell production by stunting the enzyme responsible, and increasing metabolic function – you can build your dream body.

6 Months + Your Health 100% Optimized

Start the momentum today and Imagine how incredible you’re going to look and feel in just 6 short months carrying less weight and the associated benefits. What would the following mean to you? 

  • Finally lose weight from day 1 – with noticeable results within just 7 days?
  • Loving who you see looking back in the mirror and the confidence that would bring?
  • Rekindling the romance and love in your relationship?
  • Making your son or daughter proud for beating the weight?
  • Inspiring others to follow the journey you took to lose weight?

Day 1. Improved Energy Levels And Clarity

From your very first day with Ultra Lean™ you won’t remember feeling this good. The Green Tea, Caffeine Anhydrous, and Green Coffee Bean optimize the Dopamine system to produce more of this ‘feel good’ neurotransmitter.

With an improved mood and on tap energy you should see improvements to your focus and concentration levels. By supporting adequate Dopamine production, the brain no longer seeks ‘external distractions’ to entertain it.

The L-Theanine in the Green Tea smooths out the Caffeine for crash free ‘relaxed alertness’.

Week 1. Less Body Weight

Within just 7 days, most people’s weighing scales report a reduction in body weight. For the past week the Chlorogenic Acid in the Green Coffee beans has been regulating blood sugar levels to keep them more stable and increased fat metabolism – the rate at which the body burns fat for energy.

Chlorogenic Acid in studies influenced the secretion of hormones involved in hunger regulation, such as Leptin. Leptin is involved in signalling satiety and by increasing its production, we can send signals to the brain that the stomach is full and satisfied – no matter how little we’ve eaten.

You’ll be amazed how fast the fat falls off – and without the suffering associated with weight loss.

Month 1. Slimmer, Rested, Healthier

One month in and you can expect to be sleeping better, moving easier, experiencing less bloating and acid reflux, and all because you took that first step and decided to put your health first. Depending upon your starting size, you may by now start to see muscle, or muscle definition. And with less weight to carrying – perhaps be experiencing a little less mobility pain such as joint pain.

With continual daily supplementation of Ultra Lean™ you can rely on the formula to continue assisting your weight loss goals. By suppressing appetite and cravings, inhibiting fat cell production by stunting the enzyme responsible, and increasing metabolic function – you can build your dream body.

6 Months + Your Health 100% Optimized

Start the momentum today and Imagine how incredible you’re going to look and feel in just 6 short months carrying less weight and the associated benefits. What would the following mean to you? 

  • Finally lose weight from day 1 – with noticeable results within just 7-days?
  • Loving who you see looking back in the mirror and the confidence that would bring?
  • Rekindling the romance and love in your relationship?
  • Making your son or daughter proud for beating the weight?
  • Inspiring others to follow the journey you took to lose weight?

Ultra Lean™️ Comes Backed By Science

Be it blocking appetite triggers in the brain, speeding up metabolism, or inhibiting the production of fat cells – the ingredients in Ultra Leanmake it the last weight loss supplement you’ll ever need.

But it’s not just the science that agrees… It’s the thousands of customers who come to rely on Ultra Leanto keep the weight off and feel their best while doing so.

Note: For prolonged weight maintenance and fat loss, the best results come with 90+ days of supplementation.

Getting The Best Results From Your Ultra Lean™ Supplement

As a dietary supplement take one capsule 30 minutes after breakfast with an 8oz. glass of water, and a further one capsule 30 minutes after lunch with water.

To get the best results from Ultra Lean:

Note: To get the very best results for you, Ultra Leancontains Caffeine to assist appetite suppression.

Ultra Lean™ Ingredients

Green Coffee Bean 130mg

Green Coffee Beans are coffee beans that have not been roasted. They contain a higher amount of chlorogenic acid compared to roasted coffee beans, which is used to boost metabolism, reduce the absorption of carbohydrates from the digestive tract, improve insulin sensitivity, suppress appetite, and  stimulate the process of fat burning in the liver.

Raspberry Ketone 130mg

Raspberry Ketones are natural compounds found in red raspberries that give them their distinct aroma. Raspberry Ketones enhance the breakdown of fat molecules through lipolysis and fat oxidation. As a result, fatty acids are released from fat cells, and the body is more efficient at using stored fat for energy.

Garcinia Cambogia 130mg

The rind of Garcinia Cambogia contains a compound called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which increases serotonin levels in the brain, which, in turn, plays a role in mood and appetite regulation. HCA is also an inhibitor to an enzyme called citrate lyase, which the body uses to convert carbohydrates into fat, and thereby reducing the production of new fat in the body. 

Green Tea 130mg

Green Tea contains Caffeine and Catechins (particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)), both of which increase metabolic rate and fat burning through fat oxidation and thermogenesis. It also increases endurance and promotes the use of fat as a source of energy during exercise.

Caffeine Anhydrous 130mg

Caffeine anhydrous is a dehydrated form of caffeine, which is a known natural stimulant for the central nervous system, and a great ergogenic aid for enhanced physical performance. With its thermogenic properties, Caffeine can increase body temperature and stimulate thermogenesis, a process that involves the body burning more calories to produce heat.

Experience Ultra Lean™ For Yourself And Buy Now

With everything already holding you back – what do you have to lose? We’ve made Ultra Lean affordable at just $0.97 per daily serving… And with our 1-Year Money Back Guarantee you either get the results stated – or you don’t pay!

Note: Best results come from long-term (90+ days) continual use.

Ultra Lean™ 30 Day
1 Bottle


Shipping from: $6.97

60 Capsules

Retail: $39.00
You Save: NA
Now: $39.00

$39.00 per bottle
($1.30 Per Daily Serving)

Most Popular
+ Best For Long Term Results

Ultra Lean™ 3 Months
3 Bottles

20% Discount
Shipping from $6.97

180 Capsules

Retail: $117.00
You Save: $23.00
Now: $94.00

$31.33 per bottle
($1.04 Per Daily Serving)

Ultra Lean™ 6 Months
6 Bottles

25% Discount

360 Capsules

Retail: $234.00
You Save: $58.50
Now: $175.50

$29.25 per bottle
($0.97 Per Daily Serving)