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The FlexaGen™ formula is designed to assist flexibility, mobility, and pain free movement.

The FlexaGen™ formula is designed to assist flexibility, mobility, and pain free movement

It does so by nourishing ligaments and tendons, lowering painful joint related inflammation, and utilizing Chondroitin for new cartilage growth.

Experience FlexaGen™ For Yourself And Buy Now

With everything already holding you back – what do you have to lose? We’ve made FlexaGen affordable at just $0.97 per daily serving… And with our 1-Year Money Back Guarantee you either get the results stated – or you don’t pay!

Note: Best results come from long-term (90+ days) continual use.

FlexaGen™ 30 Day
1 Bottle

Shipping from: $6.97

60 Capsules

Retail: $39.00
You Save: NA
Now: $39.00

$39.00 per bottle
($1.30 Per Daily Serving)

Most Popular
+ Best For Long Term Results

FlexaGen™ 3 Months
3 Bottles

20% Discount
Shipping from $6.97

180 Capsules

Retail: $117.00
You Save: $23.00
Now: $94.00

$31.33 per bottle
($1.04 Per Daily Serving)

FlexaGen™ 6 Months
6 Bottles

25% Discount

360 Capsules

Retail: $234.00
You Save: $58.50
Now: $175.50

$29.25 per bottle
($0.97 Per Daily Serving)

FlexaGen™ Targets Inflammation Fast – The Root Cause Of Joint Pain, Weight Gain, And Lack Of Motivation – While Repairing Lost Cartilage

FlexaGen™ contains a myriad of ingredients that in studies have shown to support easier movement.

FlexaGen™ offers relief within 30 days:

  Joint pain reduction due to lower inflammation

•  Better flexion and improved range of motion

•  Improves lubricant properties of the Synovial (Joint) fluid

The formula also offers long-term benefits with consistent and long-term use:

•  Stimulate anabolic process of cartilage metabolism

•  Weight loss (Study group lost 2% body fat over 4 weeks)¹

Supplements For Joint Pain… Who Can FlexaGen™ Really Help?

Those Carrying Joint Related Injuries Both Old And New

While you may consider your old sport or age-related injuries to be irreparable, certain herbs and nutrients can offer a solution. Injury pain can come from:

FlexaGen™ tackles all the above to have you back pounding the tarmac, mountain bike, or punchbag before you know it.

Those With Sedentary Lifestyles, Suffering Obesity, Or Poor Mobility

At Youthogenix ™, we understand it isn’t always easy to get moving again once you’ve stopped.

With families, commutes, working all hours, and life in general – finding the time and motivation to move our bodies and stretch our legs can be a challenge.

FlexaGen™ is far more than a joint pain supplement however and helps kickstart your journey to better mobility by leveraging Methionine and Turmeric – two ingredients that aid wight loss and fat cell elimination in the arteries.

Those Looking For A Natural Option To Supporting Painful Joint Repair

Life needn’t leave you behind, and yet so many people over the age of 40 stop the activities they love because of mobility issues… Issues that could be a thing of the past.

With ongoing support to the skeletal and joint lubrication systems, FlexaGen™ offers potential ‘preventative’ benefits to see you active for years to come.

Clinically Proven Herbs, Vitamins, And Minerals Deliver Optimal Mobility

FlexaGen™ is a convenient daily mobility and joint support supplement that features 8 very potent and powerful nutraceutical grade ingredients.

Clinical studies on these ingredients have shown to reduce, repair, and even eradicate the underlying issues most commonly attributed to painful inflammation, joint stress, and Cartilage loss.

Mental + Physical Energy

Overall Fitness Levels

Lower Inflammation

Weight Loss + Vitality

Mobility + Flexibility

Ligament + Joint Repair

The FlexaGen™ Formula Under The Microscope!

Let’s Take A Closer Look At 4 Of The Key Ingredients In FlexaGen  And Why They’re The Best Insurance Plan For Your Future Joints And Mobility

1. Boswellia Extract (Frankincense) To Combat Painful Inflammation

From swelling to stiffness, sharp shooting pains to continuous dull aches – the root cause of sore or painful joints is often inflammation – and can be treated naturally.

The Boswellic Acid found in Boswellia (also known as Frankincense) inhibits the production of leukotrienes – molecules identified as a cause of inflammation of the joints and spine.

Often administered to treat swelling and inflamed joints, Boswellia in one trial decreased joint pain, improved flexion³, and increased patient walking distance unassisted.

2. Glucosamine And Chondroitin To Rebuild Cartilage

Cartilage is a strong, flexible connective tissue that protects the joints and bones. It acts as a shock absorber stopping the bones from grinding against each other and splintering.

Through injury or with age, Cartilage breaks down. This fast leads to bone-on-bone friction and the painful first stages of debilitating Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

FlexaGencontains Chondroitin and Glucosamine. The European Society for Osteoporosis (ESCEO) recommends supplementing both for non-surgical management of knee Osteoporosis.4

3. Turmeric To Aid Weight Loss And The Motivation To Move

Turmeric has a long history dating thousands of years. This is largely due to it containing a potent polyphenol called Curcumin, which converts in the body to ease and relieve painful swollen joints.

Curcumin however offers far more and is used as an effective fat-burner, for its support to the Cardiovascular system, and for the stimulation of antioxidant production to slow cell-related aging.

In a study with 139 participants, those given Curcumin experienced more than just Arthritic pain relief. Within 30-days the average participant’s body weight had dropped by 2%. 5

The FlexaGen™ Formula Under The Microscope!

Let’s Take A Closer Look At 4 Of The Key Ingredients In FlexaGen And Why They’re The Best Insurance Plan For Your Future Joints And Mobility

  1. Boswellia Extract (Frankincense) To Combat Painful Inflammation

From swelling to stiffness, sharp shooting pains to continuous dull aches – the root cause of sore or painful joints is often inflammation – and can be treated naturally.

The Boswellic Acid found in Boswellia (also known as Frankincense) inhibits the production of leukotrienes – molecules identified as a cause of inflammation of the joints and spine.

Often administered to treat swelling and inflamed joints, Boswellia in one trial decreased joint pain, improved flexion (3), and increased patient walking distance unassisted.

  1. Glucosamine And Chondroitin To Rebuild Cartilage

Cartilage is a strong, flexible connective tissue that protects the joints and bones. It acts as a shock absorber stopping the bones grinding against each other and splintering. 

Through injury or with age, Cartilage breaks down. This fast leads to bone-on-bone friction and the painful first stages of debilitating Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

FlexaGen™ contains Chondroitin and Glucosamine. The European Society for Osteoporosis (ESCEO) recommend supplementing both for non-surgical management of knee Osteoporosis. (4)

  1. Turmeric To Aid Weight Loss And The Motivation To Move

Turmeric has a long history dating thousands of years. This is largely due to it containing a potent polyphenol called Curcumin, which converts in the body to ease and relieve painful swollen joints.

Curcumin however offers far more and is used as an effective fat-burner, for its support for the Cardiovascular system, and for the stimulation of antioxidant production to slow cell-related aging.

In a study with 139 participants, those given Curcumin experienced more than just Arthritic pain relief. Within 30-days the average participants body weight had dropped by 2% – aiding their agility. (5) 

Experience FlexaGen™ For Yourself And Buy Now

With everything already holding you back – what do you have to lose? We’ve made FlexaGen affordable at just $0.97 per daily serving… And with our 1-Year Money Back Guarantee you either get the results stated – or you don’t pay!

Note: Best results come from long-term (90+ days) continual use.

FlexaGen™ 30 Day
1 Bottle

Shipping from: $6.97

60 Capsules

Retail: $39.00
You Save: NA
Now: $39.00

$39.00 per bottle
($1.30 Per Daily Serving)

Most Popular
+ Best For Long Term Results

FlexaGen™ 3 Months
3 Bottles

20% Discount
Shipping from $6.97

180 Capsules

Retail: $117.00
You Save: $23.00
Now: $94.00

$31.33 per bottle
($1.04 Per Daily Serving)

FlexaGen™ 6 Months
6 Bottles

25% Discount

360 Capsules

Retail: $234.00
You Save: $58.50
Now: $175.50

$29.25 per bottle
($0.97 Per Daily Serving)

1-Year Money Back Guarantee

Your purchase of FlexaGen™ today is covered by our 1-year Money Back Guarantee.

If FlexaGen™ doesn’t leave you entirely satisfied, simply contact us and we’ll refund you the purchase price in full.

See below for full terms and conditions.

“Just letting you know my order arrived thank you. As a headsup I’ve been a customer for over a year now and take flexagen and your sea moss. Both serve me and my needs very well.”

T. Evette

“As someone who has struggled with joint discomfort, especially in my knees, this product has made a significant difference. I noticed reduced stiffness, and my mobility has improved.”

Diana Long

“After trying various joint supplements, I finally found one that works. I used to have mild pain in my shoulders, but those issues have diminished since I started taking Flexagen.”

Llyod Stewart

1-Year Money Back Guarantee

Your purchase of FlexaGen today is covered by our

1-year Money Back Guarantee.

If FlexaGen doesn’t leave you entirely satisfied, simply contact us and we’ll refund you the purchase price in full.

See below for full terms and conditions.

“Just letting you know my order arrived thank you. As a headsup I’ve been a customer for over a year now and take flexagen and your sea moss. Both serve me and my needs very well.”

T. Evette

“As someone who has struggled with joint discomfort, especially in my knees, this product has made a significant difference. I noticed reduced stiffness, and my mobility has improved.”

Diana Long

“After trying various joint supplements, I finally found one that works. I used to have mild pain in my shoulders, but those issues have diminished since I started taking Flexagen.”

Llyod Stewart

How To Take FlexaGen™

For Long Term Joint Support:

Take three (3) capsules daily before a meal.

For Immediate Relief:

For quicker relief, take a loading dose of six capsules daily for the first 14 days, before returning to three capsules daily.

You can swallow the easy-swallow capsules or empty the contents into a glass of water and drink the mixture.

How To Take FlexaGen™

For Long Term Joint Support:

Take three (3) capsules daily before a meal.

For Immediate Relief:

For quicker relief, take a loading dose of six capsules daily for the first 14 days, before returning to three capsules daily.

You can swallow the easy-swallow capsules or empty the contents into a glass of water and drink the mixture.

How The FlexaGen™️ Formula Works

Phase 1 – Stop Painful Inflammation

From the very first day, you can expect less pain resulting in increased movement

Phase 2 – Improve Range of Movement

Expect increased elasticity and flexion due to softer, nourished ligaments and tendons

Phase 3 – Target Fat Cells For Weight Loss

Expect the Turmeric and Bromelain to attack stubborn fat cells that hinder movement

Phase 4 – Stimulate New Cartilage Growth

Potentially avoid painful surgeries, large medical expenses, and months of recovery

Phase 1 – Reduce Inflammation and Pain

From painful fingers to swollen ankle joints – FlexaGen™️ delivers multiple anti-inflammatories that set to work immediately on inflamed joints to reduce painful swelling.

The Turmeric in the FlexaGen™️ formula releases the Phytochemical Curcumin used extensively to treat various illnesses such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, and abdominal and liver disorders.

Drug-based painkiller tablets work by blocking COX enzymes produced by our bodies that trigger inflammation and the related pain. Research shows Curcumin, like painkillers, also works as a COX inhibitor to reliably relieve arthritis and other similar pains. (6) (7)

Phase 2 Increase Range of Movement

With 30-days plus use of FlexaGen™️  you can expect a decrease in joint stiffness, and an increase in joint range of motion as a result.

Quercetin is largely responsible for this important step back to full mobility and does so by inhibiting the production of the Adenosine Deaminase enzyme responsible for joint stiffness. (8)

By reducing the specific activity of Adenosine Deaminase in joint tissue, you should find within just 4 weeks that simple movements such as sitting and standing, bending down, and getting back up off your knees are much easier to achieve than prior to supplementation.

Phase 3 Attack Fat Cells for Weight Loss

To aid mobility and help you live a more active (yet pain free) lifestyle, FlexaGen™️ features ingredients that support both better digestion and fat cell elimination.

The result is initial fat loss and ongoing weight management to take the added pressure that comes with being overweight off your joints.

In clinical trials, both Methionine and Turmeric assisted participants in dropping their body fat percentage, with Methionine also breaking down fat cells in the arteries for improved blood flow and a myriad of health benefits. (9)

Phase 3 Trigger New Cartilage Growth

Glucosamine Sulfate improves the lubricant properties of the thick Synovial fluid (or ‘Joint fluid’) that cushions the ends of our bones. This reduces friction when moving our joints and helps slow the breakdown of Cartilage – leading to bones splints and Osteoarthritis.

Along with preventing Cartilage breakdown, Glucosamine pairs with the Chondroitin Sulfate in the formula to stimulate the anabolic process of cartilage metabolism. This in turn not only slows the progression of cartilage destruction, but also helps the body regenerate the joint structure. (10)

Phase 1 – Reduce Inflammation and Pain

From painful fingers to swollen ankle joints – FlexaGen™️ delivers multiple anti-inflammatories that set to work immediately on inflamed joints to reduce painful swelling.

The Turmeric in the FlexaGen™️ formula releases the Phytochemical Curcumin used extensively to treat various illnesses such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, and abdominal and liver disorders.

Drug based painkiller tablets work by blocking COX enzymes produced by our bodies that trigger inflammation and the related pain. Research shows Curcumin, like painkillers, also works as a COX inhibitor to reliably relieve arthritis and other similar pains. (6) (7)

Phase 2 Increase Range of Movement

With 30-days plus use of FlexaGen™️ you can expect a decrease in joint stiffness, and an increase in joint range of motion as a result.

Quercetin is largely responsible for this important step back to full mobility and does so by inhibiting the production of the Adenosine Deaminase enzyme responsible for joint stiffness. (8)

By reducing the specific activity of Adenosine Deaminase in joint tissue, you should find within just 4 weeks that simple movements such as sitting and standing, bending down, and getting back up off your knees are much easier to achieve than prior to supplementation.

Phase 3 Attack Fat Cells for Weight Loss

To aid mobility and help you live a more active (yet pain free) lifestyle, FlexaGen™️ features ingredients that support both better digestion, and fat cell elimination.

The result is initial fat loss and ongoing weight management to take the added pressure that comes with being overweight off your joints.

In clinical trials, both Methionine and Turmeric assisted participants in dropping their body fat percentage, with Methionine also breaking down fat cells in the arteries for improved blood flow and the myriad of health benefits that offers. (9)

Phase 4 Trigger New Cartilage Growth

Glucosamine Sulfate improves the lubricant properties of the thick Synovial fluid (or ‘Joint fluid’) that cushions the ends of our bones. This reduces friction when moving our joints and helps slow the breakdown of Cartilage – leading to bones splints and Osteoarthritis.

Along with preventing Cartilage breakdown, Glucosamine pairs with the Chondroitin Sulfate in the formula to stimulate the anabolic process of cartilage metabolism. This in turn not only slows the progression of cartilage destruction, but also help the body regenerate the joint structure. (10)

FlexaGen™️ Comes Backed By Science

When selecting the ingredients for the FlexaGen™️ formula, it was our goal to target more than just joint pain.

Our potent blend leverages from ingredients clinically proven to lower body fat, and improve energy levels to help you stay active for better all-round health. Studies show positive effect at the dosages offered in the FlexaGen™️ formula.

Note: For prolonged protection and repair, best results come with 90+ days of supplementation.

Getting The Best Results From Your FlexaGen™️ Supplement

To relieve pain from existing injuries, or rebuild after age-related wear, the best results come from continued use.

It is therefore recommended you make FlexaGen™️ part of your ongoing daily health care regimen.

Daily Joint Maintenance: Take three (3) capsules daily before a meal.

For Severe Joint Pain Relief: Take a loading dose of six (6) capsules daily for the first 14 days.

Store in a cool dry place and out of direct sunlight.

Note: Glucosamine is derived from Shellfish. Do not consume this product if you are allergic to Shellfish.

FlexaGen™️ Ingredients

Glucosamine Sulfate 1500mg

Glucosamine is a natural compound found in the body, particularly in the fluid that surrounds the joints. It is a building block for cartilage in the joints, and plays a role in the lubrication of the joints. Glucosamine reduces inflammation in the joints, and is a pain relief for people with joint pain, especially in those with osteoarthritis.

Boswellia Extract 200mg

Boswellia, also known as Indian Frankincense, is a resin extracted from the Boswellia serrata tree. Boswellia contains boswellic acids that have anti-inflammatory properties and reduce swelling. Boswellia prevents the breakdown of cartilage in the joints and improves blood flow to the joints.

Chondroitin Sulfate 150mg

Chondroitin is a substance that occurs naturally in the connective tissues of the body, particularly in cartilage. Chondroitin helps attract and retain water in the cartilage, providing it with elasticity and shock-absorbing properties. It also inhibits enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of cartilage.

Turmeric 150mg

Turmeric, specifically its active compound Curcumin, has tremendous anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps neutralize free radicals in the body, and prevent the breakdown of cartilage in the joints.

Quercetin 25mg

Quercetin is a flavonoid, a type of plant pigment found in foods like apples, onions, citrus fruits, berries, and leafy green vegetables. Quercetin acts as an antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress, and protect the cells from damage. It provides support to the immune system by enhancing its ability to respond to infections and other immune challenges. 

Methionine 25mg

Methionine is an essential amino acid. Methionine contributes to the synthesis of glutathione. Glutathione helps protect cells from oxidative stress and plays a role in detoxification processes. It also contains sulfur, which is essential for the maintenance of hair, skin, and nails.

Bromelain 25mg

Bromelain is a mixture of enzymes found in pineapples. It has been recognized for its anti-inflammatory effects, ability to enhance mobility, and reduce stiffness and swelling. Bromelain also increases bioavailability of nutrients, such as Quercetin, which together, provide additional benefits for joint health.

Methylsulfonylmethane 25mg

Methylsufonylmethane, or MSM, is commonly taken to provide additional sulfur to the body for the formation of connective tissues, hair, skin, and nails. It also contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which helps to reduce pain and prevent cell damage. 

Experience FlexaGen™ For Yourself And Buy Now

With everything already holding you back – what do you have to lose? We’ve made FlexaGen affordable at just $0.97 per daily serving… And with our 1-Year Money Back Guarantee you either get the results stated – or you don’t pay!

Note: Best results come from long-term (90+ days) continual use.

FlexaGen™ 30 Day
1 Bottle

Shipping from: $6.97

60 Capsules

Retail: $39.00
You Save: NA
Now: $39.00

$39.00 per bottle
($1.30 Per Daily Serving)

Most Popular
+ Best For Long Term Results

FlexaGen™ 3 Months
3 Bottles

20% Discount
Shipping from $6.97

180 Capsules

Retail: $117.00
You Save: $23.00
Now: $94.00

$31.33 per bottle
($1.04 Per Daily Serving)

FlexaGen™ 6 Months
6 Bottles

25% Discount

360 Capsules

Retail: $234.00
You Save: $58.50
Now: $175.50

$29.25 per bottle
($0.97 Per Daily Serving)